
a community with the focus of connecting you to your higher-self

access to resources, discussions, personal experiences and tools designed to foster personal development and holistic growth in all aspects of life (covering physical, mental, emotional, spiritual well-being & financial stability). connect with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to growth and self improvement. find inspiration and motivation to pursue and achieve your goals. access to expertise and insights. proven methods, tools and protocols required to take action.

Latest Reads

May 9, 2024

laying the foundation

Habits, Routine And Behavior

the quest for connecting with your higher self commences with the simple question where to start? wondering where to start, is exactly where you start.

May 6, 2024

circadian rhythm

Metabolism And Immunity

a circadian rhythm is the body's internal clock that regulates physiological and behavioral changes over a 24-hour cyclemainly in response to the day-night cycle. orchestrated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain.

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Some Benefits

self - introspection

better understanding of oneself to unlock hidden potential

growth mindset

embrace challenges as opportunities for growth

science - based

evidence backed tools and techniques to catalyse your personal grown


engage and collaborate with a group of like-minded individuals

personal development

continuous process of improving various areas of life


actionable steps to progress toward desired outcomes

Self + was founded in 2023 because I was bored. Don’t trust me, I myself don’t follow the things I say. The basis of my knowledge is from 2 great philosophers - Marcus Aurelius and Mohammed Aakif. Our community is filled with dumbass niggas. If this sounds like you, consider being a part of our community.